The Brunch Market Recap

If you haven’t been to The Brunch Market – y’all need to put it on your calendar.  Though we won’t be vending for a few months – we plan to stop back to shop next month and hope to be selected as a vendor again this fall/winter!

The venue is awesome  – if we weren’t already married we would 100% have our reception there.  Great lighting to show off our art, great beer garden, amazing drinks and indulgent food.  When we arrived we found that we were set up in a corner which is great – with our display racks sometimes its a little snug back there.  Brittany, the organizer, was amazing and suggested we angle the table, which was a huge help.  What do you think?  Good set up right?!  We are getting a lot more efficient at set up and tear down – which makes the whole day a lot less stressful.

We met some great people and love hearing from those of you who are drawn to our art.  We totally understand, not everyone has room for one of our pieces, but we still love it when you stop to chat.  We hope everyone that took home something from Start Small Decor loves their pieces and thank you for supporting local makers here in Richmond!

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Mimosas, Biscuits and Makers this weekend at The Brunch Market

We are in the final stages of preparing for this weekend’s The Brunch Market. If you haven’t been before, you can look forward to some awesome biscuits, drinks and locally made products.  Check out The Brunch Market on Instagram for a peek into some of the awesome makers that will be there Sunday.

We really tried to stock up on our most popular color combinations and sizes – so hopefully we have just what you need!  As always, we love discussing custom orders at our events.  Need a Chicago Bears themed Rosie for Football season?  Or an Ombre Arrow in lavender for your sister’s baby shower?  Just let us know and we can arrange local pick up/delivery.

The Brunch Market is Sunday, July 15th from 11-4 at Lunch/Supper in Scott’s Addition, Richmond, VA.

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Come see us this weekend at “Made by RVA”

Heidi and Julie are excited to participate in their first “Maker’s” event in Richmond!  Stop by this Saturday March 3rd between 10am-2pm at Dogtown Dance theatre to say hi and check out some of our newest tessellation’s and other items for the home.


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Back in the woodshop after our move to Richmond

Heidi recently moved into a new home (and a new state). It has taken some time to get the shop up and running—but things are finally taking shape.

Here’s a video of Heidi re-sawing some rough cut cedar into a beautiful board ready to be planed, then made into something wonderful.

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